Migrazioni e accoglienza.Seminario alla Stony Brook University di New York: interviene Giorgio Benvenuto

Migrazioni e accoglienza.Seminario alla Stony Brook University di New York: interviene Giorgio Benvenuto

Tre giorni di studio e confronto alla Stony Brook University sul tema: “Le sfide delle migrazioni in Nord America e in Europa: politiche e modelli di accoglienza a confronto”. Si comincia giovedì 2 novembre e si termina il prossimo 4 novembre. Nella seconda sessione dei lavori di sabato dedicata al ruolo che le istituzioni non statali possono svolgere nel lavoro di governo e regolamentazione delle migrazioni, interverrà con una lunga relazione il presidente della Fondazione Nenni, Giorgio Benvenuto che fornirà un quadro storico del lavoro svolto nel nostro Paese dai patronati. Le tre giornate saranno concluse da Luigi Troiani, responsabile delle relazioni esterne di questa Fondazione. Nel dettaglio il programma del seminario:

The Challenges of Migration in North America and Europe: Comparing Policies and Models of Reception


Catered dinner buffet

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Reflections on the conference held in Agrigento on June 8 and 9, 2017 (5:00 pm – 6:00 pm) Marcello Saija, Salvatore Rotella, Gallya Lahav


Friday, November 3, 2017

Registration and breakfast refreshments (9:00 am – 9:30 am) Welcome remarks: Mario B. Mignone, Director, Center for Italian Studies (9:30 am – 9:50 am) Michael Bernstein, Provost, Stony Brook University Plenary (9:50 am – 11:00 am): Alan Bersin, Former Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Chief Diplomatic Officer for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Policy “Migrant Flows and border lines: The Future Is Not What It Used To Be”


SESSION I Migration Issues in Historical and Comparative Contexts: North American and Europe Comparative Models (11: 00 am – 1 pm)

Sebastian Rotella: The Border: Past and Present, Myth and Reality Martin Schain: How Can we Understand the Developing Crisis of Asylum in Europe and the United States? Anthony Messina: Diversity Proliferation in New Immigrant Destinations

Lunch 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm


SESSION II Migration Issues in Media and Discourse (2:30 pm – 3:45 pm) Alex Caviedes: Diverging Narratives: Press Depictions of Migration in the

U.S and Europe Nino Zumbo: Xenos/barbaros; hospes/hostis: terms used to refer to the “out- sider” in the classical Greco-Latin world and their influence on the contem- porary Western World Douglas Ponton and Peter Mantello: Reaching breaking point: right-wing migration rhetoric in mainstream media

Coffee Break 3:45 pm – 4:00 pm



SESSION III Migrant Integration and Models of Reception (4:00 pm – 6:30 pm) Tiffany Joseph: Falling through the Coverage Cracks: How Documentation

Status Minimizes Immigrants’ Access to Health Care Claudio Rossi: Citizenship: Privilege, Individual Right, or a Manner to Co-exist Leanne Tory-Murphy: The Struggle for Integration: A Case Study of the Sportello Sans Papiers Sonia Díaz Inoa: Research Summary on Legal Status of Persons Born in the Dominican Republic, Children of Undocumented Persons Under Applica- tion of Law 169-14 Cinzia Solari: Post-Soviet Ukrainian Emigration: Migrant Grandmothers Cleaning and Caring in Italy and the United States


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Registration and breakfast refreshments (9:00 am – 9:30 am)

SESSION I: Migration and the EU (9:30 am – 11:00 am) Adam Luedtke: EU Immigration Policy and the Brexit Paradox: Are British

Xenophobes Better off with Brussels? Luciano Bardi: Migration as an issue in the development of Horizontal Eu- roscepticism in the EU Luigi Troiani: European Union Relations with Americas: Focus on Migrants


SESSION II Political Reception and Public Perceptions of Immigration in a New Security World (11:00 am – 12:30 am) Jack Jedwab: Public Perceptions around Migration and Security: A View

from Canada Keren Snider: Afraid of Arabs and Attacking Asylum Seekers – Asylum Po- licy Attitudes Amid War Nancy Hiemstra: The Challenge of Migration in Europe and the US: Com- paring Policies and Models of Reception

Lunch 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

SESSION III Regulating Migration: Non-State Actors in Migration Flows (2:00 pm – 3:30 pm) Alejandro Crostwaite: Human Trafficking in the U.S.-Mexico Border Re-

gion: The Roman Catholic Church’s Response Fr. Leonir Mario Chiarello: The Commitment of the Scalabrinians Missio- naries to Migrants, Refugees, and Deportees at the Latin American and Uni- ted States Borders Senator Giorgio Benvenuto: A Contribution to the History of the Italian Patronati, (Centers For Social Assistance), in the Americas: Differences Bet- ween North America and South America

Coffee Break 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm

SESSION IV International Actors: Migration in International Context (3:45 pm – 4:45 pm) Vincenzo Pascale: Global Migration Group (GMG) – UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants Rey Koslowski: Toward a General Agreement on Migration, Mobility and Security on Mobility

Concluding Remarks: 4:00 pm